Wednesday, March 25, 2009


last Monday, me and my classmates went to Beryl's factory... everyone hunting for chocolate sold there, especially me who spent RM (tut...) hahaha... xnak bgtau...
the factory is only skangkang kere... (journey less than 30 minutes) and the visit at the factory is only in a short time (less than 1 hour, I guess)
I bought so so many dark chocolate.. well, that's the main aim of the visit anyway...

Dark Chocolate and Your Heart
One good thing about a lot of the new medical research being reported is that things once considered forbidden for any health conscious individual are now okay again.
So let’s look at the latest good news. Researchers in Italy studied the effects of chocolate on health and came to the conclusion that rich dark chocolate is actually good for you.
It seems to have some of the same effects that vitamin C exhibits, namely in helping the body use insulin more effectively and lowering blood pressure.
The study used dark chocolate and white chocolate – which isn’t really chocolate since it contains no cocoa solids.
Those who enjoyed 100 grams of dark chocolate daily for 15 days had lower blood pressure and better insulin function. The theory is that dark chocolate contains flavonoids that lower the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
Those who ate white chocolate exhibited no such change.
Another study of older men in The Netherlands, known for its luscious chocolate, indicated those who ate the equivalent of one-third of a chocolate bar every day had lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of death.
Dark chocolate is high in fat and dense in calories, so it might not be the best food to live on, especially if you’re overweight.
And recent studies on the effects of fat on women’s health threw the whole nutritional establishment on its ear.
Dr. Jules Hirsch, Physician in Chief Emeritus at Rockefeller University, who has spent his career studying the effect of diet on weight and health has stated that “They (the studies) should put a stop to this era of thinking that we have all the information we need to change the whole national diet and make everybody healthy.”
So who knows if chocolate will cure all ills? I strongly suspect it will do no harm if eaten in moderation.


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