Wednesday, December 9, 2009


hiuh.... i finally finished her 173 post (091209)

but it doesnt take much time for me to read her blog..

mungkin because this blog is hers

she is a very close friend of mine, i mean the closest one

where should i start ek??


i can say most of her post is about her broken heart..

about her past love..

about him...

about how desperate she tried to forget him..

about her perspective about love..

i always said that i hate him..

i hate him for making you be like this

i hate him for making u lost faith on love

i hate him for giving up ur love this fast

but maybe it is a fate..

u are stronger now rite??

starting from march i think..

we start talking talking gossip gossip about PMS

that name really unique, i am sure it will forever glued in my mind

honestly, i really think he is just like 'him' at the Vitagen factory

maybe because of his hair

in fact, both of them is the friendly guy rite?? hahahahaha

this is the most shocking news that u told me when we are in KMpH

ur mother is pregnant!! guugugu

and it is wrote in ur blog that the cute little Adika is born on 10/12/08 at 3.56pm and approximately 5 cm height

the first thing come to my mind is he look like ur Angah so much..

hope he will become a soleh son, good boy, nak naughty bole tp jgn lebey2..

by the way, tomorrow will be her first birthday..


makcik dell xdek ape nak bg, sebab poket makcik kering..

wat can i say about ur blog..

it is packed with meaningfull words..

(as i know, u are very good with words.. so.. x pelik.. huhu)

which sometimes motivated me..

sometimes makes me touched.. (hehe aku ngaku aku cengeng)

sometimes make me laugh too..

because some of ur posts are some pieces of my memories too...

i love this blog..

i love this friendship

i love those memories

there is nothing i wish except for your longlasting happiness and success in both world

keep blogging man..

*there is plenty of thing i wish to write but maybe next time
u know, sometimes i just cannot say some things directly..


Anonymous said...

makcik dell? haha.

5cm je tinggi budak tu? dasyat2. haha.

.............kociitumanis.............. said...

baby baru lahir la..
wat's wrong ngan name makcik dell
makcik vogue laa....

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