Friday, August 7, 2009

flying without wing

to those who fly without wing..

dont ever try to fly..

because u cant...

u know u cant...

so why try?

why try to know that u will fail?

so, dont try..

wasting time..

if u still want to try..

find a wing..

then, try la..

see if u can fly or not..

see if u can be up in the air or not..

just try..

cannot right??

i know it..

u also know it...

that we cannot fly with just one wing..

find another wing la...

then u got two wings..

a pair of wing...

then try again..

try to jump and use ur wing..

move them up and down..

so that the pressure below ur wing will be higher..

thus, u will slowly pushed up..

try to hold in the air..

now try to move forward..

then try to land on the grass...

if u success..

now u can become a bird..

who is not flying without wing..

u fly with two wings...


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